-- EN INGLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I taked and passed exam 70-503 MCTS .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Communication Foundation Application Development on August 21, 2009. Now I will discuss the issues that people should know about how could be MCTS. Net Framework 3.5 WCF.
Thematic for MCTS .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Communication Foundation Application Development:This topic is in the Collection 6461 : Visual Studio 2008 includes:
- Getting Started with Windows Communication Foundation
- Configuring and Hosting WCF Services.
- Endpoints and Behaviors
- Debugging and Diagnostics
- Designing and Defining Contracts
- Handling Errors
- Improving WCF Service Quality
- Implementing WCF Security
- Implementing Transactions
One Prerequisite Exam and One Required Exam Needed:
Prerequisite Exam:
Exam: 70-536 - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework, Application Development Foundation
- Exam's Topics 70-536Required Exam:Exam: 70-503 – TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Communication Foundation Application Development
Course 6461: Windows Communication FoundationYou can prepare on the topics to take the MCTS Exam 70-503 .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Communication Foundation Application Development
Links:Exam 70-503 Windows Communication FoundationGood luck and hopefully any questions.
-- EN CASTELLANO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tambien rendi el examen 70-503 correspondiente a la Certificacion MCTS .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Communication Foundation Application Development , el dia 21 de Agosto del 2009 y logre pasarlo.Los temas que cubre este examen son:
- Primeros pasos con WCF (Getting Started with Windows Communication Foundation)
- Configuracion y hosteo de Servicios WCF(Configuring and Hosting WCF Services)
- Puntos extremos y comportamientos (Endpoints and Behaviors)
- Depuración y Diagnóstico (Debugging and Diagnostics)
- Diseño y Definición de Contratos (Designing and Defining Contracts)
- Control de Errores (Handling Errors)
- Mejorarando la calidad de los Servicios WCF (Improving WCF Service Quality)
- Implementando Seguridad con WCF (Implementing WCF Security)
- Implementación de transacciones (Implementing Transactions)
Examen Prerequisito :Como repito para poder rendir cualquier examen MCTS ya sea para .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 y hasta para 4.0 el examen prerequisito es el 70-536 - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework, Application Development Foundation (Fundamentos de .NET Framework)
- Tematica Examen 70-536Examen Requerido :Y luego hay que rendir el examen 70-503 – TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Communication Foundation Application Development
Curso 6461: Windows Communication FoundationLa colección de cursos 6461, desarrollado por Microsoft e-Learning (que es dicado en los CPLs autorizados por Microsoft a nivel mundial), nos proporcionara la preparacion necesaria para poder rendir este examen de certificacion.
Links:Examen 70-503 Windows Communication FoundationBuena suerte y cualquier duda no duden en hacermelas llegar.
Hasta la proxima.